9 Ways You Can Benefit from this Simple Exercise

Walking is one of the simplest exercises that carries along great benefits for your health. It can be done anywhere from shopping malls to the great outdoors and it’s something that almost everyone can do, from the young to the young at heart.

  1. Walking uses almost all of the body’s 206 bones and 640 muscles.

  2. It helps the body lose or maintain a healthy weight.

  3. It improves circulation.

  4. It boosts the immune system.

  5. It helps you sleep better.

  6. It boosts the energy level.

  7. It improves the mood.

  8. It helps you get your fresh air and sunshine at the same time if you are walking outside.

  9. Walking lends itself to socializing. You can make exercise fun by including family, friends, or/and your dog.

So put on a comfortable pair of walking shoes and have a happy walk!

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